In anticipation of dead weak and finals, WVU has pulled out all the stops for the last WVUp All Night of the semester.

Movies in the Gluck

The Book Of Eli

Thursday 9:3oPM, Friday 7PM, and Saturday 9:30 PM

In a post-apocalyptic world, Denzel Washington carries the last key of hope for the future, and will do any violent badass thing he can to protect it. Insteps Gary Oldman, his band of crazy cohorts, and Mila Kunis, will this be the stand for America?


Yeah, looks pretty badass to me too.


Thursday 7PM, Friday 9:30PM, Saturday 7PM

A bunch of Oscar veterans sing and dance because Joe America and Oscar Nominator Stu like that sort of thing.



Army of Darkness

Friday and Saturday at Midnight

Sam Raimi’s big budget finally to the Evil Dead Trilogy sends Ash back to the middle ages to take on the army of the dead.


Not quite a horror film, not quite an action movie, a lot of laughs, this movie is awesome.

Comedy Caravan

Has still not been updated since March 11.

Here is some stuff that I like:


Oh wow, they have opened up the food flood gates this weekend.

Thursday: 10PM FREE Hot Dogs, Wings, Sundaes, Snow Cones & More

Friday: 10PM FREE Hot Dogs, Wings, Sundaes, Snow Cones & More;

Drunk Breakfast is… FREE Breakfast Egg Rolls, Home Fries, Bacon, Donuts & Fruit

Saturday: 10PM FREE Hot Dogs, Wings, Sundaes, Snow Cones & More;

Drunk Breakfast is… FREE Breakfast Egg Rolls, Home Fries, Bacon, Donuts & Fruit

Miscellaneous Fun



Sober Rocking Lip Syncing Contest- I don’t know what sobriety and lip syncing have to do with each other, but it might be interesting to find out.

Friday and Saturday:

Starting at 9:30PM.

V-Games: Videogames, like at home, but on the big screen and without the cover of X-Box live to protect your girth.

Message Therapy: A free rubdown without the pain of paying the cover at the bar.